
Getty Images is 25 years old. Every Friday we’re highlighting our standout sport images of the last 25 years. ⁠Go to #gettyimagessport25 to see them all. This week is 1997.⁠ Not for the squeamish – a close-up of the injury to the right ear of Evander Holyfield after opponent Mike Tyson bit off a piece in the third round of their World Heavweight title fight at the MGM Las Vegas. | June 28, 1997, Las Vegas | ? @jedjacobsohn | #GettySport #GettyImages25 #CapturingThePresent #PreservingThePast #boxing #MikeTyson #EvanderHolyfield

Getty Images is 25 years old. Every Friday we’re highlighting our standout sport images of the last 25 years. ⁠Go to #gettyimagessport25 to see them all. This week is 1997.⁠ Not for the squeamish – a close-up of the injury to the right ear of Evander Holyfield after opponent Mike Tyson bit off a piece in the third round of their World Heavweight title fight at the MGM Las Vegas. | June 28, 1997, Las Vegas | 📷 @jedjacobsohn |
#GettySport #GettyImages25 #CapturingThePresent #PreservingThePast #boxing #MikeTyson #EvanderHolyfield

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Coronavirus: dalla Fiorentina per gli ospedali altri 400mila euro

Marca: “Coronavirus, nel Valencia contagiati 10 giocatori e 15 dipendenti”